So. First off. I am living in a neighborhood of Lilongwe that is occupied mostly by ex-pats. It's a very strange feeling to be here to work with the poorest people in one of the poorest countries in the world but living behind a 10 foot tall fence with rolled razor wire on top. Most ambassadors, diplomats, and foreign workers live in this area and the nice cars and big houses definitely take a bit of getting used to. I share a house with a Finnish woman named Anne (pronounced Ann-uhh) who is a lawyer working for UNHCR (the UN refugee organization). Anne is super nice and has been kind enough to adopt me into her group of predominantly Nordic friends. I now know about 10x the Scandinavians than I did before I came here (I am the only non-blonde in the bunch) and am being introduced to things like Finnish vodka (which is pitch black) and Scandinavian magazines. We have had a few dinners together, taken a day trip to Lake Malawi (which was gorgeous and no schisto to report yet), attended what can only be described as an ex-pat talent show (just picture lots of live renditions of bad 90s American pop music set to a live Malawian band), and as of Saturday night, partook in the late-night local bar/club scene in Lilongwe (they're called "bottle stores" and are located in an interesting part of town with various forms of income generation - just use your imagination a bit). I have also been navigating the huge area of land that is called Lilongwe and trying my hand an negotiating the best price for a bag of tomatoes at the markets.
As far as work goes, I absolutely love my supervisor Mayke, she is the chief officer of Social Policy at UNICEF Malawi and amazing to watch in action. Her commitment to her work and determination to get a social protection policy in place is astounding and I am so lucky to be in a position to learn from her. She has been keeping me very busy and I am already appreciating the diplomacy that is required to work with government officials (she is REALLY good at her job to say the least). My work thus far has entailed designing documents/charts that illustrate the social protection policy and can be used in meetings with govt officials, donors, etc to get the main ideas across and putting together a presentation for UNICEFs mid-year review. This week I am helping to organize a meeting for our sections mid-year review and also attending meetings with the World Food Program and the European Union. Next Sunday I leave for a two week trip to Mangochi district to help with training and implementation of the cash transfer scheme which is planned to start there at the end of the month. Busy busy busy but loving loving loving it!
Here are some pictures from my visit to Mchinji, it was a really big deal as three Ministers came out to see the beneficiaries and learn more about the scheme (hopefully if all goes well the social protection policy will be passed by the Cabinet and then Parliament and the cash transfer scheme can be rolled out to universal coverage). Their support is super important... This was the Africa that I was expecting and it was such an amazing experience to see how so many people's lives are being affected by this scheme (by the way, tears are hard to hide when they mix with the red dust that seems to be everywhere)
So of course my favorite part was the children, everyone was dressed in their best clothes and it was so powerful to see how much these people are benefiting from the scheme, if there is any doubt about social protection, you just have to see the faces and you understand how important it is.